How to Quickly Heal Itchy Rashes After Tanning

Tanning beds are a huge lifesaver for those who want a quick glowing tan without going out in the sun. However, there are some side-effects of using tanning beds – one of which the most common is rashes. 

A lot of us have experienced this. This is especially true for people who are just starting to tan. They can experience tanning rashes almost immediately after the first session. If these are not treated on time, they can lead to dangerous skin problems. 

But don’t worry, we have come up with a guide which will help you not only prevent the rashes but also treat them easily at home before things get bad.

What Are The Common Causes of Rashes

Tanning rashes don’t usually happen suddenly. They develop gradually hence it is very important to know what causes them. Here are the most common reasons why you may have experienced tanning rashes.

  • Dry Skin – rashes are more common on dry skin. The best way to deal with this is to thoroughly moisturize your skin with a skin moisturizer or a tanning lotion that contains moisturizers.
  • Sweat – tanning beds can also cause a kind of skin rash known as Milaria. This happens due to heat which triggers sweat in the skin. When excessive sweat builds up, it can lead to a heat rash.
  • Over-exposure – Tanning beds should always be used in moderation. If you use them regularly and overexpose yourself to the UV rays from the bed, it can trigger rashes on the skin. Ask the tanning salon for the best course for you. Try to wear a good tanning lotion every time you go for a session to prevent this.
  • Allergic reaction – tanning beds can also trigger allergic reactions in the skin. This is especially true if the beds are not kept clean by the salon. So make sure that when you choose a salon, see that they practice good hygiene.

Treatment of Tanning Rashes at home

These rashes may make your life miserable, but there are easy ways to treat them at home with the following ways.

Use Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has many benefits for the skin. It can soothe your skin if you apply it on the affected area. The rashes will go away if you repeatedly apply the plant extract for 2-3 days.


Oatmeal is another great treatment option for rashes. It contains avenanthramides that have natural anti-inflammatory qualities. You can take an oatmeal bath by submerging yourself in a tub full of oatmeal and water. 

Relax in the cold bath filled with a few cups of the ground and raw oatmeal for 30-60 minutes for the best effect.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is also very good for dry skin and a perfect remedy for tanning rashes. Apply it on the skin to hydrate it and reduce the rash. 

Baking soda

Just add a few spoons of baking soda in your bath and it will help get rid of rashes and sunburns.


Yogurt can also be applied to the skin to reduce inflammation and treat rashes. 

We hope that these treatments will help you prevent and treat tanning rashes. We also advise you to use high-quality tanning lotions whenever you go for a session. Without a lotion, you are more susceptible to rashes. 

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About the Author: chris


  1. Love all the information,
    I am an avid tanner/ 60’s girl…love my tan.
    Great Blog, looking to read more info…

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