Why is My Spray Tan All Crackly Looking?

More than likely, you got a recent spray tan because you have a big event coming up that you want to look your best for. Perhaps it’s a school dance, date night, professional pictures, or holiday. It could even be your birthday! You want to look better than just good. You want to see and hear “wow!” when you walk in the room. Beautiful, tan skin is one way to achieve this.

Yet, something is wrong. Your spray tan didn’t turn out the way you had envisioned. In fact, it looks crackly. Why is this? And perhaps more importantly, what can you do now?

We have good news for you. First, a “crackly” looking spray tan doesn’t mean anyone did anything wrong. What you are seeing is the spray tan fading. Your tanned dead skin is fading and exfoliating off. The fix is to exfoliate and hydrate your skin before the spray tan gets to this point.  

There are a number of things you can do to slow this process in the future. Most spray tanning sessions last for around a week to 10 days, based on how deeply tan you went. The color fades as your skin starts to shed dead skin cells and regenerate naturally. There are ways to extend a tan by affecting how quickly your skin sheds off. You want to tan new skin, and then have that new skin stay for as long as possible. Your body will naturally shed dead skin cells after a regeneration cycle, but exfoliation can help speed up the process and ensure you have a smooth surface.

Don’t forget to hydrate! Experts recommend regularly using moisturizers to keep your skin supple and moist. We encourage you to use a rich moisturizer every day that is loaded with vitamins C and E for the best results. 

Of course, that only fixes next time. What about this time? You will need to either go in for a respray or use a light touch-up coat of solution. This can be applied by hand via a special lotion or mousse containing DHA to add some touch-up color between the full body spray sessions. This will rebuild the color, and will extend your tan a few more days until you can do a complete through exfoliation and respray session. 

The best tans are the result of following the rules and using the best tanning products available in the industry today. All of the tanning products you could ever want for your tanning needs can be found here on our website. From new tanning lotions to moisturizing body lotions to body wash, we have it all! With the right products, your next tan will come out perfectly and you’ll enjoy a golden brown look for days or even weeks to come!

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About the Author: Warehouse

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