Understanding Indoor Tanning Lotion Terminology

If you’re new to tanning, it can be quite difficult to understand the different indoor tanning lotion terminology. How do you tell the difference between bronzers, accelerators, maximizers, and tingle lotions? 

What’s the deal with all the active ingredients like hemp seed oil, copper and tyrosine? With so many tanning lotions available today, it is important to understand the terminology and know what exactly an ingredient or type of lotion does to your skin.

In this post, we will try to explain all the indoor tanning lotion terminology a beginner must know in order to find and buy the best indoor tanning lotion. 

Let’s start with the most common terms given to different tanning lotions.

Tingle Tanning Lotion

  • Tanning lotions with the tingle attribute are special lotions that contain chemicals that cause reddening by increasing the blood flow to the skin. Most of these lotions are available in two different variants – heated and cooled. 

The basic idea behind tingle tanning lotions is to speed up the repair proses of the skin so it tans faster. 

  • For someone who has sensitive skin, tingle lotions can be quite uncomfortable. But if you can live past the initial discomfort, your skin can get used to the sensation. Still, in a lot of cases, tingle lotions are unbearable for individuals with very sensitive skin. A good example is Australian Gold Jwoww Mad Hot Tingle Tanning Lotion.

Buy Australian Gold Jwoww Mad Hot Tingle Tanning Lotion ($39.95)


  • If you’ve been looking for indoor tanning lotions, you probably came across the terms ‘accelerators’ and ‘maximizers’. Accelerators are tanning lotion products for individuals who are just beginning the indoor tanning process.

These lotions are specifically designed to help you reach a base tan and usually contain a lot of moisturizers in them. This is because the more moisturized your skin is, the better and faster the skin will tan and its ability to hold the tan also increases. A good example is the Australian Gold Accelerator Extreme.

Buy Australian Gold Accelerator Extreme ($15.95)


  • Maximizers, on the other hand, are used when you have achieved a base tan and want to get darker. Maximizers do not have moisturizers in them. This is why these lotions should only be applied directly to the skin before you start an indoor tanning session. A good example is the Blonde Obsession.

Buy Blonde Obsession ($27.95)


  • Bronzer is a feature that is found in both maximizers and accelerator lotions. This feature makes a sunless-tanner super fast at tanning. The basic idea behind bronzers is to give the skin an immediate illusion of tan while actual tan develops under the fake tan coat.

For the best results, we recommend finding a bronzer that is streak-free, this way you can avoid an uneven or orange look. A good choice is Designer By Designer Iconic Advanced Bronzer.

Buy Designer By Designer Iconic Advanced Bronzer (39.95)

Tanning Lotion Ingredients and What they Mean

Now that you are familiar with the different types of indoor tanning lotions available, let’s look at some of the most common ingredients and what they mean.

  • Body Blush. It is similar to tingle but does not produce a heated or prickly feeling when applied to the skin. The lotion is ideal for people who have sensitive skin but still need the effects of a tingle lotion.
  • Shimmer. This feature gives your skin a luminous glow when the tanning lotion is applied. Some people will even get a glittery look with this feature in the tanning lotion.
  • Caffeine. This ingredient is usually added to tanning lotion to help reduce puffiness and provide energy to the skin by reducing wrinkles and fine lines. People who are sensitive to caffeine should avoid tanning lotions with it. 
  • DHA. This is a very common ingredient used in bronzers. When applied to the skin, it reacts with it to start a fake tan color. It usually combines with other bronzers to enhance the color of the skin and make it even darker. If you like a natural tan, then we recommend selecting a bronzer free of DHA.
  • Tyrosine. This is an amino acid derivative that is added to the lotion to help skin produce more melanin. The ingredient sometimes also produces dopamine and serotonin when applied. The ingredient really doesn’t have anything to do with indoor tanning, but some research suggests that it can help elevate your mood. 
  • Anti-aging. These ingredients provide vitamins and other nutrients to the skin to help prevent premature aging. Some ingredients listed as anti-aging also help the skin appear firm and supple.


If you’re buying a tanning lotion for the first time, use this guide to help you pick a tanning product that is best for your skin. We recommend talking to your friends and family to get recommendations.

If you can’t find a recommendation, use this guide to help you pick a product Tanning Lotion Warehouse store.

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About the Author: chris

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